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Diamonds Girlcast is a place for honest conversations that empower and support young women in their faith.

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Diamonds Blog shares reflections on the topics in life that matter in an open and authentic way.


PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


What do you connect into? What is the source of your energy? Hope? Peace? When life get’s tough what we turn to to support us really matters. Join us for our new podcast series as we take time to think about how we support our mental health. We have invited our good friend Crystal from 24-7 Prayer to help us unpack this topic with a focus on prayer. Tune in now.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland

Influence through vision

Concluding our leadership and influence series! We have loved sharing with you on this all and this week we are thinking about ‘vision’. Do you have a vision for your life? Maybe seems like a big questions but this weeks podcast shares about the importance of knowing where we are going and what it means to get there … even if you have never thought about that before. Tune in now.

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BLOG Diamonds Scotland BLOG Diamonds Scotland


In this day and age, influencers rule the world. They are the people with the ‘best' cause, the most attractive look, the most controversial opinion. They are the ones with tonnes of followers and who get all the paid partnerships. But what if I were to tell you that God made YOU to be an influencer? YOU, my friend, are called to influence.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Friendship breakdown? Personality clash? What’s your challenge? As we lead and influence others we will come across challenges. How we handle the challenges we face is the most defining thing - but how do we learn to do this well when things are tough, difficult or even painful? Tune in this week for honest conversations on what this looks like and how to get started if your in one fo those challenging seasons!

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


How we treat others defines our influence and leadership. This weeks podcasts thinks about what it means to lead and influence like Jesus by how we treat others. Jesus came to serve and not be served… this challenges our view on leadership. Tune in now to listen.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Tempted to be someone you're not? Often we can feel like who we are isn’t what is expected or wanted by others and can leave us feeling like we need to compromise to fit in and be liked, or feel the need to earn the respect of others by acting a certain way. What do we do if this is us? How do we learn to value ourselves and lead in a way that is authentic and real but still liked by others? Tune in now for more conversations on our leadership and influence series.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


How we view ourselves changes not just our lives but those we influence and lead around us. Check out this weeks podcast for great conversations on what it means to influence and lead from a place of security in our relationship with God. Listen now.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Check out our new podcast series ‘Influence through …’ six conversations focusing on our influence to the world around us. You might not call yourself a leader or a influencer either but we all impact others and the world around us. The important question is in what way? For this podcast series we are joined by our good friends at the Kyria Network as we chat to them on what it means to influence others, what impacts this and importantly what it means to influence and lead like Jesus.

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VIDEO Diamonds Scotland VIDEO Diamonds Scotland


You've got this! It maybe doesn't look like it, feel like it or seem like it one tiny bit ... but in all the challenges and fears you may face today ... you are more than a conqueror. Do you know that? Check out this weeks short devotion to find out why.

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BLOG Diamonds Scotland BLOG Diamonds Scotland



‘but what if the worst thing happens?’

I have let fear control my life so many times. I know that often my fears are completely irrational, but they just take over.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


This week in the Diamonds Grilcast's Relationship series we are thinking and talking about sex! When it comes to sex, the emotional and physical aspects of our relationships are intrinsically linked . Both sides matter however this week we are choosing to focus on the physical side. We hope you are up for some honest and real conversations.

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VIDEO Diamonds Scotland VIDEO Diamonds Scotland


Wednesday Wisdom is back and now available on our YouTube channel! Hit subscribe and tune into this weeks devotion - a short video to inspire you in your faith. This week we are thinking about finding strength in the places we are struggling with and some top tips on how to get through lockdown and thrive! Yup, you hear us right we believe you can thrive right now! Watch now.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Join us as we dive into the world of dating this week in our second episode of our relationship series. We have been created for relationship with others … but what does this look like? How do you find the right person? Should we date and if so, how do we go about it?

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


You are created to belong, to have a place in this world and be valued. Sometimes we struggle to find our place, to be valued and feel accepted which can leave us feeling anxious, alone and not worthy. What then?

This week on the Diamonds Girlcast we are thinking about our emotions, their impact on how we view ourselves and how this can also shape how we approach relationships.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Welcome to our new podcast series Created For ... which gets very real and honest about all thing’s relationships!

With special guest and new co-host Bethany Macdonald from the Naked Truth Project we will be talking dating, emotions, sex, pornography, finding healing from hurt as well as thinking about the role we play in the relationships we are part of.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Is Christmas more then the gifts under the tree?

This week we are joined by Amy Summerfield from Kyria Network on our advent podcast series as we get excited for Christmas. Perhaps the most competitive of all our guests Amy take our Christmas fun and games to a whole new level as well as sharing some amazing wisdom on the real gift to us all this Christmas time.

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Daniel Young Daniel Young


How do you know you are loved? As Christmas comes closer we are reminded about the gift of love that was given to us that very first Christmas that changed the world forever. Do you know you are loved?

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Christmas Joy! Not feeling Christmassy yet? That's ok. This weeks episode from our advent podcast series unpacks the idea that Joy isn't always based on how great life is and that in fact when things feel dark, challenging and not happy we can experience God's joy even when we may be struggling to see what is good.

This weeks episode invites our next guest Dez Johnson from Alpha Scotland to share on this topic with personal stories and great content!

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VIDEO Diamonds Scotland VIDEO Diamonds Scotland


Are you anxious? When things are not going as we hope and we can't control the world around us we can be left feeling anxious of the future. In the middle of uncertainty and fear there is a peace we can experience in and through a relationship with Jesus ... it's yours to have for free if you want it? Choose peace this Christmas time.

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PODCAST Diamonds Scotland PODCAST Diamonds Scotland


Do you feel hopeful right now? The world may seem very hopeless and that hope seems very far away or unrealistic for us right now. However there is hope ...

This weeks Episode invites our guest, Bea Roy from Tearfund Scotland to share on this topic and how we can find hope even when things seem totally hopeless.

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