Blog May 26th 2022 - Newbie Alert

Hey! I’m Molly and I’m the new Media Director for Diamonds. I thought I’d jump on here and share a little bit about myself. I am based in Glasgow and I’m officially a twenty-something so thought I’d give you twenty-something things you should know.

  1. I love the colour pink

  2. I’m the oldest sibling

  3. I used to be a Kids Pastor for my church

  4. I play hockey

  5. I hated university

  6. I have been a vegetarian all my life

  7. I would be vegan but I like cheese too much

  8. My favourite Bible verse is Micah 6:8

  9. I love a good list

  10. My entire life is colour coded

  11. My little sister is legit my best friend

  12. I have posted an outfit of the day video on my Tiktok every day since January 2nd

  13. I actually post them late and usually 3 at a time but I do film them every day

  14. I can’t touch my toes

  15. I really can’t stand bananas or mushrooms

  16. I rewatch Brooklyn 99 over and over and over

  17. Getting my nails done is my guilty pleasure

  18. I am addicted to coffee

  19. I journal everything

  20. I love going to gigs

  21. My favourite number is 21

  22. I play the flute

  23. When I was younger I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up

  24. I love a good nap

  25. I absolutely hate spiders

  26. I refer to myself as Mols but no one else does

  27. I have 4 tiny tattoos

  28. I keep forgetting my age which is bad right?

There you go, thats twenty-something things you should know about me. I’m sure I’ll be back on here to tell you more about myself and how I’ve ended up being the Media Director for Diamonds. I am really excited to be working for Diamonds and getting to be part of this awesome organisation!

Much love!

Mols x